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IAS – Int. Academy of Sexology & RelationshipTherapy

Sexologiskolen, Online
1,5 år
Næste startdato
25 april, 2025 Se detaljer
Online undervisning
Uddannelsens hjemmeside
1,5 år
Næste startdato
25 april, 2025 Se detaljer
Online undervisning
Uddannelsens hjemmeside
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1 tilgængelig startdato

25 april, 2025

  • Online undervisning
  • Online

Om uddannelsen


IAS – Int. Academy of Sexology & RelationshipTherapy

Join from all over the world – The schools Int. Line in Sexology and RelationshipTherapy. Read your Educations Online – and visit occasionally our Location in Copenhagen, Denmark, if you wish.

They Welcome you – to a World of interesting, relevant and up to date knowledge in the fields of Sexology and RelationshipTherapy. Including both a scientific clinical sexological, psychological and therapeutical approach – and wisdom from the 5000 year old traditions, such as tantra. With focus on the whole human being!

Join our education to:

Int. Sexologist and become an Int. Therapist in the field of Sexology & Psychology, for both individuals and couples. Duration 1 year. A total of 13 Modules of 3 days, Friday – Sunday. Can be taken 100% Online + 5 modules can also be taken on location/ online, you choose!

Int. RelationshipTherapist and become an Int. Therapist, in the field of RelationshipTherapy & Psychology, for both individuals and couples. Duration 1 year. A total of 13 Modules of 3 days, Friday – Sunday. Can be taken 100% Online + 5 modules can also be taken on location/ online, you choose!


Download your application form at Sexologiskolens website, and apply as early as possible, and no later than 2 month before the start of your education. Admission to the int. educations ends when the class is full. Start approximately once every year.

Remember you join and read your education 100% Online, through Zoom-Webinars – and occasionally you can join our events and other seminars on location in beautiful Copenhagen, Denmark. We welcome you to an adventurous education and life experience! 

You can study our 5 educations on Int. Line 100% Online – So wherever you live – you can join directly from your home!

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Interesserer du dig for seksualitet, parforhold, kommunikation og psykologi - og vil du gerne hjælpe andre til et bedre liv med sig selv og med deres partner? Så er uddannelsen som Sexolog & Parterapeut - plus Specialist, lige noget for...

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