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Astrid Rasmussen, Student Assistant in HR, Total

Mød Astrid, der er studentermedhjælper i HR afdelingen hos Total. Her arbejder hun med forskellige opgaver, der tillader hende at få et stærkt indblik i arbejdet med HR.

Student Assistant in HR
  • Astrid Rasmussen
  • Employed since 2017
  • BSc Business Administration and Psychology, CBS

  • Can you briefly describe the business areas that you work in and your primary tasks?

I started as a Student Assistant in HR at Maersk Oil and was after Total’s acquisition offered a position in HR at the new established Total affiliate in Copenhagen (Total Upstream Danmark A/S). Here my primary tasks have been to assist in managing the organizational change from Maersk Oil to Total and now in establishing Total as a desirable workplace in Denmark by enhancing the work environment for my colleagues.

  • What are the most exciting and challenging tasks in your job?

I recently changed position and became Personal Assistant for the Head of HR which is very exciting and challenging at the same time. I’m learning to view HR from a new, more strategic perspective, and gaining insight into the strategy behind HR initiatives is super interesting and something that broadens my view of HR in general.

  • How are you using your education in your current position?

In the process of managing the organizational change from Maersk Oil to Total my theoretical knowledge has been easily applicable – though with limitations. I find that change management theories can be useful in some situations, while they in others can be too simplistic.

One of the learnings that I’ve gotten from working in Maersk Oil and Total is that theory and practice are two different things – and theory can’t always be turned into practice. This is a learning that I am truly grateful for having gotten so early in my career, and it is one of the main reasons why I believe gaining business insight as a student is so important. 

  • What are the three most important things to you in your job at Total?

The most important thing for me is to feel like I make a difference to my fellow colleagues, and this is why I think working in HR is so rewarding. Whether it’s been facilitating cultural induction courses to improve the integration of Total Assignees in Denmark or establishing our new Student Society in order to enhance the cross-organizational network for students, it’s a way to create something meaningful that can make a difference in my colleagues’ lives.

Working in a trustful work environment where good work relations are maintained is also very important to me, which is why our value of respecting each other resonates strongly with me.

Lastly, developing as an employee and continually improving my performance at work is a great motivation factor for me as well.

  • Why is Total an attractive company for you to work in

Total is an interesting company to work in because of its position as a major player in the energy field – this is a business area that’s affecting all of us every day, especially in regards to the climate changes, and being part of the journey of developing more climate-friendly ways to extract oil is super interesting and relevant. Being a major company also means being present all over the world, which means I get to work with people coming from many different cultural backgrounds, which is very inspiring as well.

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