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Anthony Dean, Concept Facilities Engineer, Total

Mød Anthony, der er Concept Facilities Engineer hos Total. I dette interview giver Anthony et indblik i hans forskellige arbejdsopgaver.

Concept Facilities Engineer
  • Anthony Dean
  • Employed since 2013
  • MEng in Chemical Engineering

  • Can you briefly describe the business areas that you work in and your primary tasks?

I work as Conceptual Facilities Engineer in the Conceptual Facilities Team within the Developments group in the offshore product line. Here, we support shallow water offshore developments. Thus, when we find new resources through drilling, we either look to develop the resources with a new infrastructure or tying it back to existing production platforms. We are trying to compare and contrast to which are the best options.

  • What are the most exciting and challenging tasks in your job?

I find it really exciting to be able to work on new discoveries and finding interesting ways to develop things as for instance, new concepts that can really make a big difference to the commercial future of the company. Thus, I can contribute to make a great impact which is really exciting.

What comes with that is that it can be very challenging in terms of time lines. As such, sometimes we have very short deadlines against which we have to work. So, we have to make sure that we get the right level of information to make those decisions without going into too much detail, so it takes too long to take those. Hence, it’s a balance and that can be challenging but it’s really fun to do that at the same time.

  • How are you using your education in your current position?

I have a degree in chemical engineering, and it was with a focus on the oil and gas industry. So, I apply my education in a lot of ways in my current role from simulating process facilities to looking at flow assurance issues which is the sort of flow through the pipeline systems we have. I’m looking in how we can do sustainable developments, and most importantly, how we can design things to make it safe. So, we minimize the risk for people to get hurt in the future because that’s really important and the number one thing we focus on in our designs.

  • What are the three most important things to you in your job at Total?

For me, being able to work with a really diverse, highly-skilled technically focused workforce is great. We have lots of people with lots of experience and being able to collaborate with them to develop ideas is really interesting. Also, Total is a large company across more than 130 countries and the opportunities that brings in terms of development and chances to do different things is fantastic. Last but not least, the focus on safety. Having safety as a number one value and being able to implement that at work is really important. You want to make sure you do everything you can to make things safe so that’s really great.

  • Why is Total an attractive company for you to work in

Total is a major energy company with access to the whole value chain of oil and gas – all the way from exploration and production through the processing in Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) to power generation. So that gives a real broad range of opportunities and ways to develop. Thus, it’s a very interesting way to be able to develop within one company, which is very valuable from my point of view.

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