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Mark Jørgensen, Head of Cost Controlling, Total

Mød Mark, der er Head of Cost Controlling hos Total. Her er nogle af Marks arbejdsopgaver omkostningskontrol, intern rapportering af økonomi og årlig budgettering.

Head of Cost Controlling
  • Mark Jørgensen
  • Employed since 2013
  • MSc Accounting and Finance, CBS

  • Can you briefly describe the business areas that you work in and your primary tasks?

I work in the Finance department where I’m the Head of Cost Controlling. Thus, my responsibilities are cost allocations, cost controlling, internal reporting of financials to our headquarter in Paris, annual budgeting and overseeing the time writing of employees.

  • What are the most exciting and challenging tasks in your job?

Since we are newly established Total affiliate here in Copenhagen, the most exciting and challenging task in my job is to establish and set up new processes from scratch but at the same time make them fit into the high-level guidelines from our Total headquarter in Paris.

  • How are you using your education in your current position?

Working in finance, knowing the fundamentals in budgeting, accounting and controlling from university is very important. However, my day-to-day tasks are a lot more about decision-making, weighing the options and prioritizing what’s important right now.

  • What are the three most important things to you in your job at Total?

For me the most important part of working for Total is safety. This is our core value and indeed inherent in everything we do. Especially, in the energy industry such a strong safety mindset is of great value and even working in the onsite office we need to consider safety in all our daily tasks.

The second most important thing for me is collaboration. We support the OneTotal mindset and thus, have an exciting cross-functional environment. I believe that alone we will never as successful as when helping each other to reach our own and the companies’ targets.

In my opinion, the third most important thing is accountability. I think it’s very important that you take responsibility for our own tasks and areas but recognize that there is a greater good and hence, keep the company as whole in mind.

  • Why is Total an attractive company for you to work in

Total is attractive to work for because it’s a huge company. Total has a presence across the entire energy value chain in more than 130 countries. If you are willing to go abroad, there is no limit of opportunities you can get in Total.

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