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Mød Total

Hør om virksomheden Total, og udforsk dine karrieremuligheder. Mød også 7 af virksomhedens medarbejdere, der her giver et indblik i deres arbejdsopgaver.


Total - The largest oil and gas operator in Denmark

Committed to better energy

Total is a major energy player committed to supplying affordable energy to a growing population, addressing climate change and meeting new customer expectations.

With operations in more than 130 countries, we are a global integrated energy producer and provider, a leading international oil and gas company, and a major player in solar energy with Total Solar and our affiliate SunPower. We discover, produce, transform, market and distribute energy in a variety of forms, to serve the end customer.

Our 100,000 employees are committed to better energy that is safer, cleaner, more efficient, more innovative and accessible to as many people as possible. As a responsible corporate citizen, we focus on ensuring that our operations in more than 130 countries worldwide consistently deliver economic, social and environmental benefits.

Our ambition is to become the responsible energy major.         


Mød 7 medarbejdere fra Total
