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Anna Miotello, Customer Success Associate, Falcon.io

Mød Anna som arbejder som Customer Success Associate, hvor hun har ansvaret for relationen til SMB kunder, onboarding på Falcon platformen mv. 

Customer Success Associate
  • Anna Miotello
  • 27 år
  • Ansat siden 2017
  • Master in International Business Communication at CBS

  • How would you describe your field and main tasks?

I work as a Customer Success Associate in Falcon.io, which is a SaaS company that offers a platform to manage social media.

My main responsibilities are handling the relationship with our SMB customers, on-boarding them on the platform by organizing training sessions, and ensuring that they make the most out of the tool. I also occasionally offer strategic advice and generally strive to deliver a great level of service and keep our customers happy. 

  • What are the most exciting and challenging aspects of your job?

Having a customer facing role can definitely pose some challenges. Despite my best efforts, sometimes the people I work with are not very receptive and there are so many elements out of my control that may affect the adoption rate of the platform and the stickiness of our customer base.

However, learning how to "read" people, deal with them and adapt my approach accordingly is such a valuable skill in life. Establishing a good relationship based on trust and seeing our customers successfully and enthusiastically adopting the platform is also a very rewarding experience. Lastly, having an insight in the way company implement their SoMe strategy is also something I find exciting. 

  • How do you apply your education in your job?

I work with customers from all over Europe, but mostly from Italy, France and the DACH market. I communicate with them on a daily basis in German and French, which are the languages I studied during my bachelor.

As for my master, I would say that my experience at CBS really taught me to recognise and assess from a critical standpoint the complex dynamics and challenges that organisations face internally. I use this skill to make a positive impact within Falcon, ensuring that knowledge is shared across teams and across departments and constantly working to optimize and tweak our workflows and collaboration.

  • What are the three most important things to you in your job at Falcon.io?

Falcon.io is a very dynamic and ever-changing environment. For this reason, I think being a flexible and open-minded individual is very important. Being a team-player is also crucial, especially within my department. Lastly I'd say that you need to be extremely customer oriented and genuinely care about our customers.

  • Why do you consider Falcon.io a desirable company to work in?

Aside from having awesome colleagues, I like working in Falcon because it's a fast paced environment where there is a constant effort to improve processes and work better and smarter. I feel like management really trust and values me and my opinion and give me the freedom I need to thrive.

There is also something really exciting about working for a company that is growing so much and still learning a lot every day. I feel like this really allows employees to make a bigger impact. In my experience, there are also good chances for career development. I first started as a Customer Support Agent during my studies, and a little over 6 months ago I switched to the current role.

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