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Master in Biology

The unique geographical location makes the UiT The Arctic University of Norway as an ideal place to study the arctic environment. Specialize in a biological field that interest you, and aquire knowledge that gives you special skills in your future work.

Our general focus of research and teaching is adaptions to life at high latitudes, therein dealing with mechanisms at all levels of organization, from molecules and cells via organisms to ecosystems, in terrestrial as well as marine environments.


A Master's candidate is expected to have advanced and comprehensive knowledge of biological methodology, theories, concepts and scientific approaches. The candidates who complete the programme are expected to have achieved the following learning outcomes, defined by general proficincy, knowledge and skills:

Students will have the ability to:

  • Formulate relevant research questions in an independent manner, and apply theories, concepts and methods pursuant to the scientific and ethical standards in the field.
  • To search for and evaluate recent biological research in a critical manner, and to make assessments using scientific knowledge in the field.
  • To present biological knowledge and ideas in an instructive manner to researchers, policy makers and the general public.

General proficiency:

  • Have acquired specialized expertise in one of the disciplines offered
  • Have the competence to analyze biological problems that require skills at a high level.
  • Apply their knowledge and skills in biological theory and methods in new areas relevant to society
  • Have sufficient competence to participate in and to evaluate research projects or to advance to doctoral studies

Course structure

Several Master`s disciplines are offered which reflect the UiT The Arctic University of Norway`s unique geographic location in the high north. They provide opportunities to explore an array of fascinating questions within modern biology and emphasize some of the society`s challenges: with regard to management of natural resources and biodiversity.

Each discipline is connected to ongoing and relevant research in the different fields. They will provide the relevant theoretical background, training in state of the art laboratory and field methods as well as training of presentation and knowledge transfer proficiency.

The Master`s programme in biology offers the following disciplines:

  • Arctic animal physiology
  • Freshwater ecology
  • Marine ecology and resource biology
  • Molecular environmental biology
  • Northern populations and ecosystem

Ansøgning og adgangskrav

Admission to the Master`s programme in Biology requires a Bachelor`s degree (180 ECTS) or equivalent qualification.  An additional requirement is specialization in biological topics (i.e. biodiversity (zoology/botany), ecology, cell-and molecular biology, microbiology, physiology (animal/plant), biochemistry and bioinformatics) worth a minimum of 80 ECTS.

Applicants with a degree in Agricultural studies, Biomedical laboratory sciences ("Bioingeniør"), Bachelor of Pharmacy, Medicine or Dentistry does not fulfil the admission requirements.

Applicants who hold a bachelor's degree or equivalent issued in Europe, Canada, USA, Australia and New Zealand: An average grade C as a minimum requirement.

Applicants who hold a bachelor's degree or equivalent issued in countries other than the above mentioned region/countries: An average grade B as a minimum requirement. 

The average grade is calculated from the entire bachelor's degree.

Applicants from Norway or Nordic countries:

Application deadline: April 15th for admission to the autumn semester and November 1st for admission to the spring semester.

Online application is via Søknadsweb, study code 6001.

International appplicants/Applicants from outside the Nordic countries:

Application deadline: December 1st for admission to the autumn semester. 

Online application, study code 2004.

Universitetet i Tromsø, UiT, Norges Arktiske Universitet
Hansine Hansens veg 18

UiT The Arctic University of Norway

UiT The Arctic University of Norway is a medium-sized research university that contributes to knowledge-based development at the regional, national and international level. UiT The Arctic University of Norway is the third largest in Norway and the northernmost university of the world. Its...

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