Kasper Steenstrup, Software Architect, 3Shape

Kasper er ansat som Software Architect hos 3Shape, hvor han blandt andet har til opgave at implementere 3D printer algoritmer og nesting software.

Software Architect
  • Kasper Steenstrup
  • 35 år
  • Ansat siden 2016
  • PhD. in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science at DTU

  • Can you briefly describe the area of business that you are working with, including your primary work tasks?

I am working as a software architect in the computer aided manufacturing team at 3Shape. We implement 3D printer algorithms and nesting software for milling machines to manufacture all kinds of crazy objects for the dentist. It can be anything from purple or metal crowns, 3D printed guides, to where the dentist must drill to prevent hitting a nerve, or ear pieces for hearing aids.

  • What are the most exciting and challenging tasks that you face in your job?

I am a sucker for algorithms and optimizing them. If I get my hands on a task that needs to improve or invent an algorithm, then I am very motivated. Also, investigating new technology and seeing if it fits into our codebase is always fun and challenging.

  • How do you use your education in your current position?

I made a list of the thirty-four courses that I took at the Department of Computer Science at Copenhagen University. Eighteen of them I use on a weekly basis, ten on a monthly basis, and six not at all. In conclusion, I am not able to do my job without my education.

  • Which three things are of most importance, when working in an organization like 3Shape?

3Shape is small enough that you can influence what a product will end up looking like. It is also big enough that you have an opportunity to work with lots of skilled people. Lastly, 3Shape is renowned for what they do, so our customers are always waiting for the next thing we turn out.

  • Why is 3Shape an attractive organization for you to work within?

It is a fast-moving company that makes you code from day one on the workplace. My ideas for changes to the product are often heard and implemented. Also, we are a group of people that jump in the harbor, a three-minute walk from the office, when it’s warm enough (45+ times a year).

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