Kandidatuddannelse og masteruddannelse

Sivilingeniør/Masterprogram, Elektronisk Systemdesign og Innovasjon

60 måneder
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60 måneder
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1 tilgængelig startdato


  • Holdundervisning
  • Trondheim

Er uddannelsen på SU-fasttrack listen?

Uddannelsen er godkendt til støtte i perioden fra 26. september 2017 til 25. september 2021. Efter denne periode skal uddannelsen igen vurderes for at komme på Fast Track listen.

Uddannelsens længde

ECTS-points: 300

Om uddannelsen

Electronics Systems Design and Innovation at NTNU provides you more options than what can be related to the term electronics. You may specialize in micro- and nano-technology, medical instrumentation, telecommunications, acoustics, music and speech technology, space technology, and integrated circuit design. These are all tools that are integrated in most of the things you are surrounded with in your everyday life. The major Electronics Systems Design and Innovation at NTNU gives you a solid educational background that is needed to develop the technology of the future.
Norwegian University of Science and Technology

NTNU is a university with an international focus, with headquarters in Trondheim and campuses in Ålesund and Gjøvik. NTNU has a main profile in science and technology, a variety of programmes of professional study, and great academic breadth that also...

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