"I am researching health and social policies, specialising in the LGBT field"

Kønsstudier på KU

Studerend på kønsstudier KUDarryl, 28 år.

What degree programme are you affiliated with?

"I am with social sciences. But I am studying 3 courses - sociology, marginalization and gender studies. And some Danish anthropological research".

Why did you choose this?

"Because of my field. I am researching in health and social policies, specialising on the LGBT angle. So I came to Denmark to do Gender Studies, because we do not have that opportunity in Scotland. I am studying at Glasgow University".

Tell us about what's good or exciting about Gender Studies

"Firstly, that we did not have to study this specilised subject back home. And I think it is nice to study in a city such as Copenhagen, Denmark, where it is so egalitarian and the attitude is forward-looking gender-wise" 

Anything you should be aware of before you start this?

"The housing, oh my god. And finances as well, it is one thing I really disagree with. You really need to have money to be able to do this. To do the move"

What is your dream career?

"Actually, I have had a taster of it. I am already working in the field, so I am doing some research on ways to infoluence policy. In Scotland Í have been working with an LGBT youth organisation, that is a non-governmental. So when I am done, I would like to get paid for doing this instead of just volunteering for free".

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