Hvorfor vælge James Cook University?
Højt på internationale rankinglister
Over 300 forskellige programmer
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Om uddannelsen

Our Master of Information Technology program provides practical and relevant skills to allow graduates of different disciplines to move into the IT industry.
Business Informatics is a specialist area of IT that combines information technology, management and business. It encompasses everything from utilising Information Technology, to making informed decisions in business, or to large scale data warehousing.
Our Master of Information Technology program is fully accredited by the Australian Computer Society at the ‘Professional Level’ (its highest level).
Top Fagområder på James Cook University
Marine and Tropical Biology Sciences
Ecology and Environment, Plant and Animal Sciences
Business and Tourism
Public Health and Tropical Medicine
Creative Arts
Drømmer du om at bo i det virkelige Australien med et rigt dyreliv i baghaven? Så er James Cook University helt sikkert noget for dig. JCU's to største campusser ligger i Nord Queensland, i byerne Townsville og Cairns, som er...