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Lewis Bedford, Regional Manager, Swapfiets

På denne side kan du møde Lewis Bedford, der arbejder som Regional Manager hos Swapfiets Copenhagen. I dette interview giver Lewis et indblik i hans arbejdsopgaver.

Regional Manager
  • Lewis Bedford
  • Working at Swapfiets since july 2018
  • Law degree at Newcastle University

  • How would you describe your business field and main tasks?

I work as the regional manager for Swapfiets Copenhagen. Day to day the role is primarily operational management, but I also work closely with our marketing department, spreading the word about Swapfiets across Denmark.

  • What are the most exciting and challenging parts of your job?

Swapfiets is a fast-growing company with new cities and stores opening up almost every month. But, Swapfiets also has the characteristics of a “start-up”, meaning that you can find yourself working on something outside your primary skill-set. This can be really challenging, and even more rewarding.

  • How do you use your education in your position?

My background is in UK and EU law. It has had some direct application, particularly with employment law; but I feel law school prepared me mostly indirectly. Studying law really reinforces quick decision-making, just reasoning, and your attention to detail. I strongly believe law is a rewarding and valuable study, even outside of the courtroom - you don’t just have to be a lawyer!

  • What are the three most important things for you in your job at Swapfiets?

I like to be able to see the results of a decision, for better or for worse! I think it is important to see your impact within a company. Secondly, having a creative outlet is equally as important to me. Finally, like-minded colleagues goes a long way. A startup environment has a knack for bringing the right people together!

  • Why is Swapfiets an attractive company for you to work in?

Swapfiets is innovative, fast-paced and a lot of fun. It’s great to make your mark and see the number of blue-wheeled bikes increase day by day. Plus, we’re always striving to make people laugh. A lot of companies talk as though they are “customer-first”, but in reality that is very rarely the case. Swapfiets is unique in that regard. We do some crazy things for customers, and we have a lot of fun whilst doing it.

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