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Mustafa Nabil Shaker, Civil Engineer, Rambøll

Mustafa Nabil Shaker er ansat som Civil Engineer hos Rambøll. I dette interview giver han et indblik i stillingens forskellige ansvarsområder og arbejdsopgaver.

Civil Engineer, Bridges

  • How would you describe your field and main tasks?

My primary tasks are to manage projects and coordinate both small and medium sized bridge and civil work projects both in Denmark and internationally. In the recent year, the main focus has been to optimize and integrate the global cooperation between the different bridge teams in countries such as India, Abu Dhabi and UK.

  • What are the most exciting and challenging parts of your job?

The most exciting part of my job is definitely the chance to travel around the world, meeting new colleagues and clients, and on top of this opportunity to experience different cultures. Being part of a leading consulting company, gives me the possibility to work with the most experienced specialists in my field, which in turn allows me to learn new things every single day and that’s definitely something I look forward to everyday I wake up.

When it comes to challenges, I would say that I am challenged on a daily basis. Being part of a big global company allows me to work on world class projects with multiple disciplines and with clients that expect you to deliver.

  • How do you use your education in your position?

As a Civil Engineer from DTU you learn how to develop and acquire new tools to solve any challenge you are facing during a workday. Furthermore, you learn how to work in teams and understand that there is more than one solution to different challenges. The fact that you work in groups throughout the education allows you to develop your communication skills, which is the main competence I use on my position at Ramboll.

  • What are the three most important things for you in your job at Ramboll?

1. Healthy work environment and good colleagues that support me in meeting my targets

2. Challenging, educational, flexible and varying work days

3. The opportunity to get responsibility and influence based on skills and not your age.

  • Why is Ramboll an attractive company for you?

Ramboll is a great company to work in and an attractive workplace for many reasons. A healthy and dynamic work environment with work-life balance allows me to fully commit to my work. At the same time, I’m able to relax and enjoy my time with family and friends when I’m off work.

As an international consulting company, Ramboll gives me the opportunity to work across country borders, with world-class projects, and last but not least - the chance to build up my career in the same company.

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