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Katrine Ravn Møller, Architect, Rambøll

Her kan du møde Katrine Ravn Møller, der giver et indblik i de primære arbejdsopgaver, der følger med stillingen som arkitekt hos Rambøll. 

Arkitekt, Ramboll
  • Katrine Ravn Møller
  • Ansat siden 2016
  • Master in Architecture (AAU)

  • How would you describe your field and main tasks?

The building department at Ramboll is a large and complex organisation, involving several fields of knowledge and expertise. One of the main focuses in the department right now is working with integrated design between faculties to unite knowledge and extend perspective.

My field in the department is within Architecture and Integrated Design, working with an architectural perspective in designing new and existing buildings. These tasks include early sketching and conceptual design, which form the later processes in the project development. With a close collaboration to the builder, the users, entrepreneur and corresponding consultants the project develops from first sketch to physical form.

  • What are the most exciting and challenging parts of your job?

It is often a complex task to collaborate between different parties that may not have similar values and interests. To unite aesthetic, functional, technical and economic perspectives is both the most exciting and challenging part of my job. However, when the project is well completed – it’s all worth it.

  • How do you use your education in your position?

I’ve learned several methods of designing, creating and expressing architecture throughout my education at Architecture and Design at Aalborg University. I’ve learned to work in teams and the importance of collaboration – one of the most important skills to have in a company like Ramboll.

Aalborg University differs from the traditional architectural practice, by offering a more technical perspective in the studies. I have found this particularly useful in collaborating with Technical Engineers.

  • What are the three most important things for you in your job at Ramboll?

Knowledge, development and communication. To gain and use knowledge when creating and working with architecture. To continuously develop my skills both academically and socially. To communicate well, in an open and curious environment.

  • Why is Ramboll an attractive company for you?

I have great opportunities to develop as an Architect, to learn and gain knowledge from experienced colleagues.

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