- Nikolaj Neesgaard Kristensen
- 32 år
- Ansat siden 2016
- Master Finance & International Business (Cand.merc.FIB), Aarhus University
How would you describe your field and main tasks?
Working in Group Treasury I have the responsibility to advice and manage how we mitigate counter party risk towards customers and suppliers through the use of various Trade Finance instruments. A major part of that is acting as a subject matter expert to be able to equip my colleagues to take the dialogue with customers and suppliers in relation to making sure that the LEGO Group is not taking on more counter party risk than we have an appetite for.
Additionally I spend a fair bit of time on managing balance sheets of our subsidiaries, making sure that the capital structure of the group healthy balanced, taking home dividends to the parent company and also supporting subsidiaries with long term capital (equity and/or inter company loans) if needed.
What are the most exciting and challenging parts of your job?
Working in a global function not two days are alike, I really enjoy being able to find a solution to a problem in collaboration with colleagues. The diversity of tasks is something I enjoy very much. On the challenging side I believe that working in a global function you need to balance the level of dedication into every query that comes along, otherwise I would end up never being able to finalize a task, and that is a challenge to find that balance.
How do you use your education in your position?
Actually one of the things I learned quit fast is that you do not apply any specific expert knowledge that I had from university, but it is more about applying a broad and deep understanding and being able to put that into context and understand how different theoretical models and approaches can be translated into a corporate environment. I guess it is all about how many/little assumption you put into the models you learn in school, in real life a lot of assumptions has to go into a model if it is to work in real-life.
What are the three most important things for you in your job at LEGO Group?
1. Focus
2. Curiosity
3. Bravery
Why is LEGO Group an attractive company for you?
One thing is being able to say that you work for LEGO, it always brings a lot of interest and curiosity from friends, family and who ever you meet. It makes me proud to be able to say that I work for LEGO for many things, but one thing that stands out is how LEGO really invests in its employees, working for LEGO is like working in a family, everyone takes care of each other and the company we work in. It is also the only company I have ever worked for that actually lives and embodies the values and mission that has been stated, and when you have such good values as LEGO then it is a true pleasure to work under such values.