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Hvorfor vælge James Cook University?
Højt på internationale rankinglister
Over 300 forskellige programmer
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Om uddannelsen
Graduates of the Bachelor of Science (Honours) at James Cook University will be able to:
- Integrate and apply a coherent and advanced body of theoretical and technical knowledge and skills, with depth in the underlying principles and concepts in one or more science disciplines
- Generate, analyse, synthesise and evaluate data and evidence to identify and provide solutions to complex problems with intellectual independence
- Communicate knowledge, data, arguments and research findings clearly and coherently to a variety of audiences through advanced English language, numeracy and technological skills
- Apply knowledge of research principles, methods, techniques and tools to plan and execute project work and/or a piece of research and scholarship with some independence
- Critically review regulatory requirements, ethical principles and, where appropriate, cultural frameworks, to work effectively, responsibly and safely in research contexts.
Top Fagområder på James Cook University
Marine and Tropical Biology Sciences
Ecology and Environment, Plant and Animal Sciences
Business and Tourism
Public Health and Tropical Medicine
Creative Arts
Drømmer du om at bo i det virkelige Australien med et rigt dyreliv i baghaven? Så er James Cook University helt sikkert noget for dig. JCU's to største campusser ligger i Nord Queensland, i byerne Townsville og Cairns, som er...