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Design - Made in Italy - Summer School

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Design - Summer School

Design - Made in Italy

Summer and Winter courses - Florence

This program focuses on the basic skills and methodologies employed in product design, understanding the quality of Made in Italy products, especially in craftsmanship-based Italian SMEs. During the course you will have the chance to explore and learn more about Florence as a historical city of design and fashion that has reinvented itself over the centuries and that in an age of globalization has a relevant role in the world of design, merging high-end craftsmanship and innovation processes.

You will comprehend industrial and manufacturing design processes, you will learn how to merge cultural and historical factors with product and brand communication elements in order to develop - innovation based - design projects.

This course is held in English language. 


This course is intended for people who are interested in the world of design and have no prior knowledge or experience in the discipline and want to learn and take on challenges. Skills such as drawing or sketching can be useful even if not mandatory. Applicants need to show strong motivation and the ability to work in groups.


1 tilgængelig startdato


  • Holdundervisning
  • Firenze
  • Engelsk

Course structure

Methodology and structure

This program allows you to discover the authenticity and the history of the Italian craftsmanship, and learn that the success of the ‘Italian design system’ is based on the dialogue between handicraft and new technology. You will acquire basic design knowledge and understand the supply chain that determines the quality of a finished product.

The theoretical notions acquired during the course are applied in modelling and design workshops.
During the final project presentation together with your fellow you will show the results of the work carried out through the course.

Summer course includes a strategic combination of theoretical lessons, held by designers and professionals of the field, cultural field trips, workshops and visits to handicraft stores.
Site visits are an integral part of the program’s learning experience and are designed to complement what is acquired in the classroom as well as serve as an on-going orientation to the field.

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