Kandidatuddannelse og masteruddannelse


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1-2 år
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  • Holdundervisning
  • Barcelona

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The master's degree in Economics provides students with the theoretical and empirical tools to analyse real economic problems and conduct independent research. Successful students will complete at least two of the five specializations on offer, and will develop the skills to work in fields such as higher education and economic and research consulting in public or private institutions. Students are also given to option of continuing their studies on the doctoral programme.
The postgraduate programme in Economics is intended for students interested in pursuing a professional or research career at an international level. The programme comprises the two-year master's degree in Economics and the doctoral programme in Economics, which has received a quality distinction from the Ministry of Education.

The objective of the master's degree is to train students in the use of theoretical and empirical methods for the analysis of real economic problems and for conducting independent research.

The programme, which is taught entirely in English, attracts students from around the world and enables them to integrate fully into the academic life of the University of Barcelona. On completion of the master's degree, approximately half of the students join the doctoral programme in Economics or enrol in similar programmes at other universities.
UB Economics was created in 2011 to foster scientific research and graduate education in the field of Economics at the University of Barcelona (UB). UB Economics is committed to ensuring that students in the Master's Degree in Economics have access to all the support required to guarantee the highest level of academic achievement and to enhance their career development.
Learning objectivesThe master's degree in Economics offers advanced, globally-focused training in the skills, techniques and research methodologies required to conduct research oriented toward economic analysis.
The programme provides advanced tools for analysing economic problems in order to develop an understanding of the most up-to-date practices in economics from the leading international academic institutions.
The advanced training that the master's degree provides will give students the knowledge, skills and competences to:

  • Achieve international excellence in economics research.
    • Research and convey the results of advances taking place in economic science across the world.
    • Undertake doctoral studies in economics, displaying the specialized research skills to achieve excellence in the preparation and presentation of a doctoral thesis (this master's programme provides the training required to be eligible for admission to the doctoral programme in Economics, which has been granted an Excellence Award by the Spanish Ministry of Education).

Skills and competences

On completion of the master's degree, students will be able to:

  • Apply their knowledge to problems encountered in the area of study.
  • Integrate knowledge and formulate judgments based on limited information.
  • Transmit conclusions, and the information and reasons that justify them, in a clear and unambiguous manner.
  • Continue to study independently.
  • Establish original hypotheses based on a relevant theoretical framework and evaluate or verify them empirically.
  • Produce critical readings of economics research articles.
  • Write scientific articles that could be published in prestigious economics journals and present them at international scientific meetings.
  • Produce economic reports for companies or government offices.
    analyse the workings of and major challenges facing the current socio-economic reality.

Ansøgning og adgangskrav

Admission requirements

In accordance with Article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/29 October 2007, students must hold one of the following qualifications to access university master's degree courses:

  • An official Spanish degree.
  • A degree issued by a higher education institution within the European Higher Education Area framework that authorizes the holder to access university master's degree courses in the country of issue.
  • A qualification from outside the framework of the European Higher Education Area. In this case, the qualification should be recognized as equivalent to an official Spanish degree. If it is not recognized, the University of Barcelona shall verify that it corresponds to a level of education that is equivalent to official Spanish degrees and that it authorizes the holder to access university master's degree courses in the country of issue. Admission shall not, in any case, imply that prior qualifications have been recognized as equivalent to a Spanish master's degree and does not confer recognition for any purposes other than that of admission to the master's degree course.

Specific requirements

To be eligible for admission to this programme, students must hold an official undergraduate degree that grants access to master's degree study and be able to accredit knowledge of English (at level B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, or its equivalent).

University of Barcelona
Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 585

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