Kandidatuddannelse og masteruddannelse

MSc in Finance

12 måneder
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12 måneder
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Om uddannelsen

The MSc in Finance offers rigorous training to master financial theories and techniques and develop strong quantitative reasoning, along with the latest technological skills in finance. You can study full-time for 1 year with opportunities to go on exchange and study field trips, or part-time for 2 years. After you graduate, you will be primed for a career in investment banking, commercial and corporate banking, asset management, regulatory bodies, consulting, financial services, accounting and general management.

Relevant and applicable skills

This programme provides a solid foundation in portfolio analysis, credit analysis, risk modelling, structured finance, sales and trading, operations and more. You will receive hands-on training in options, futures, trading strategies and algorithms, arbitrage and high frequency trading.


1 tilgængelig startdato


  • Holdundervisning
  • Hong Kong
  • Engelsk

Uddannelsen er på SU-fasttrack listen

Uddannelsen er godkendt til støtte i perioden fra 24. september 2014 til 23. september 2018. Efter denne periode skal uddannelsen igen vurderes for at komme på Fast Track listen.

Uddannelsens længde

ECTS-points: 120

The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Ma Liu Shui

Welcome to The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), and thank you for your interest in the University.

CUHK was founded in 1963 in response to society’s demand for higher education that would combine and bring out the best of Chinese and western cultures. The ideal, which at that time rallied to action many scholars and thinkers, still...

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