
BA Creative advertising and branding

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BA Creative advertising and branding

Creative Advertising and Branding - Barcelona

IED Diploma in Creative Advertising and Branding - study advertising and branding in Barcelona 

This course is held in English language.

The Diploma IED in Creative Advertising and Branding, which comprises 180 IED credits, gives rise to creative and strategic professionals whose messages stir up a reaction in their target audiences and leave a lasting memory.

21st‑century creators need to be capable of visually synthesising a message that resonates with the target audience. Catching their attention is no longer enough - it is crucial to gain the audience’s trust. The key lies in clever ideas and a sound strategy.

The Diploma in Creative Advertising and Branding gives rise to creative professionals who make a difference, break the mould and instil social values that promote responsible consumption, sustainability and kindness. The aim is to shape enterprising future professionals who work either as freelancers or as an organisation’s creative director, strategic director or brand manager.

At IED Barcelona, students learn to build on their skills using the project methodology, which means learning by doing. They are entrusted with real projects in every subject, which includes branding, copywriting, art direction, social media, writing screenplays and storyboards, video production, management, handling big data, and interactive communication. The course follows a very customised learning approach, with no more than 10 students per class and the most cutting‑edge technology.


1 tilgængelig startdato


  • Holdundervisning
  • Barcelona
  • Engelsk

Course structure

IED Diploma inCreative Advertising and Brandinggives students an exciting opportunity to develop themselves in a very creative, practical, studio-like and interdisciplinary approach, together with teachers who are all practitioners, real companies and agencies during their course. This is the perfect environment to develop a clear communication methodology and create a mature portfolio to successfully enter the creative industries.

The methodology is based on “learning by doing” and fosters interdisciplinarity between the areas of design, fashion, visual communication and management for creative industries through the annual “workshop week” (open to all students) and yearly projects, as well as the opportunity to work interdisciplinarily on the thesis project. The program provides a structured core curriculum, providing incremental learning goals to the students throughout the three years, leading to the thesis or major project.

The first year

The first year of this degree is focused on acquiring basic concepts of design, culture and project methods. Students learn to dare to create and communicate.

The second year

As from the second year, the necessary technological and project managing tools are explored, to communicate simple and effective visual messages through the development of the own creativity and interdisciplinary methodological processes. Students concentrate on acquiring knowledge on Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effect, Apple Final Cut, etc., and apply their creativity devising corporate projects and advertising campaigns.

The third year

The third year of this degree is based on creation and application of the previously acquired knowledge to projects from real clients. Creative management attains great relevance in Project managing and as well as the capability of implementing the ideas and knowledge acquired during the previous years. Students comprehend and learn about the work environment and its complexity, and also get the opportunity of creating a good portfolio to cope with the labour market.

Eksamen og diplom

The educational planning for all IED Diploma courses is aligned with the criteria established by the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The IED Diploma program has adopted a credit structure that follows the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). The IED Diploma is a private degree.

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